Perversion of democracy: gay ‘marriage’ and the law
Mon May 16, 2011 10:06 EST
May 16, 2011 ( - For two years now, I’ve warned that the drive for so-called “gay marriage” was the greatest threat to religious liberty we’ve ever faced. But I think I may have underestimated the threat, because now I fear the democratic process and the rule of law are endangered as well.
It was bad enough when the President and the Attorney General declared the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional and would not defend the law of the land in court. Never mind that the DOMA was signed by President Clinton in 1996 after the Senate passed it 85-15 and the House by a margin of 342 to 66!
But after the House of Representatives hired the law firm of King and Spalding to represent DOMA in court (since the executive branch wouldn’t), something not-so-funny happened. Gay-rights groups threatened King and Spalding and its commercial clients with boycotts. Click "Here" to read the full article.
I find this to be a very interesting article by Chuck Colson regarding the Defense of the Marriage Act. What's really interesting is that the Senate and House passed the Marriage Act by wide margins, but President Obama and his Attorney General declared it unconstitutional. Let me ask you this one simple question...Do the POLITICIANS who run the U.S. Government still answer to the PEOPLE that put them into OFFICE?
I agree with Mr. Colson when he says, "I can’t say this forcefully or clearly enough: Wake up, America! When the executive branch of government rules by fiat and chooses not to enforce the law of the land, the democratic process and the consent of the governed are no longer possible."
I don't have any idea how anyone can be for gay marriage.
Biologically speaking, sex is for reproduction, and homosexuality does not accomplish that.
Not to say that that is sex's only function, but to separate sex from its biological purpose is honestly not a smart idea at all.
This article adds one more complaint against Obama to my increasingly large list. It is unconstitutional to try to overrule the people's vote.
Obama says he's a democrat, but he's not at all. He's a socialist.
First printed in Gay Community News, February 15-21, 1987 and later published in Gay Revolutionary and entered in The Congressional Record.
"...We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of congress, wherever men are with men together...
"...The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence-will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated...
"... All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men."
We must continue to pray and do as God leads us against this demonic agenda and win as many who will come to Christ!
Sorry---but I'm too PO'd to say a damn thing.
It is the normalization of the perverse and the perversion of the normal. It is calling good evil and evil good for when the landmarks of Godliness and Scriptural authority are moved a people will lose their way
Thanks for stopping by my page at! Very pleased to meet you and explore your blog. Blessings! --Amanda
I'm 54 years old and I don't ever remember a time that politicians answered TO The People for anything they did or continue to do ... and after studying the roots of democracy, I can understand why. Democracy is gray whereas right and wrong are black and white issues.
I pay attention to what happens in DC, but I answer to and adhere only to God and His Holy Word :-)
We live in this world, but we look to a higher place for our inspiration and foundational truths.
My husband and I firmly believe we are seeing the Last Days play out in our time.
**T-WAC said...
I don't have any idea how anyone can be for gay marriage.
Biologically speaking, sex is for reproduction, and homosexuality does not accomplish that.
Not to say that that is sex's only function, but to separate sex from its biological purpose is honestly not a smart idea at all.
==There has never until this time in history been such a thing as homosexual marriages - I refuse to use the term gay because I have not to this date met any gay homosexuals ... they are all miserable and malicious beings.MPO
Also, having a lesbian sister I can tell you for a fact that homosexuals have children the same way heterosexual people do.
I do not believe in the homosexual lifestyle - I do not believe it to be a legitimate lifestyle in any way, sense, or form. It is a perversion, plain and simple.
And most homosexuals know that even if they argue otherwise. I have not met a homosexual who would want their own children to live a homosexual life. And my niece struggles with her mother's lifestyle. The heartache is wrenching an is effecting her own marriage to wonderful fella.
My sister has cut all ties with me because I do not accept her lifestyle.
Homosexuality running rampant in America is a moral plague. That it is tolerated and excused in the public arena as well as in our legislative chambers and the church pulpits is inexcusable :-(
Lloyd, thank you so much for standing for the truth when the world would like to shut us up.
I appreciate your taking the time to connect with me on my blog and I look forward to your posts here.
What's with all the hate? Do we no longer belive in a God of mercy, love, and tenderness?
I understand people's fear, but I urge you to reread the letters of John. Understanding the will of the Father cannot be done through fear but only through love.
By making rules and regs your making of rules and laws for people you are here to serve. how do you show love by condemning them? The number one thing talked about in regards to homosexuality is the rapture...seriously? You actually have faith in a God who says he loves you but yet with cast you into hell?
I have faith in a God of love not hate. I know and fully understand that this type of a loving Father is hard for Americans to accept. We are ALL redeemed by Christ because Christ did not come to heal the SELF RIGHTEOUS, but the sick, broken, wounded, and hurting...
I used to wonder how the Antichrist would be able to so completely take over the United States, with our democratic system. Today, it is no longer a question. All it requires is a man who decides to use the presidency as a dictatorship, and a few treaties which the courts have declared supercede the Constitution. It could happen on a moments notice.
Praise God, we Know he will still be in charge.
What dark days we live in. Let us not waste our light in this time of darkness.
Thanks for posting.
Thanks for keeping us informed. It's hard to believe that this is now the new American civil war. God bless!
Good to read your writing again, Lloyd!
I'm in CA, and prop. 8 is swinging in the wind. I shake my head, knowing there is nothing any of us can do, but pray and witness, and stand up against gay marriage, and the redefinition of the family.
This is very concerning and it is spreading like wildfire - I notice the idea of same sex marriage and the acceptance of homosexuality in television programming more and more. It is a sad state of affairs and I do not know if we can turn back to what the Bible teaches under anyone's leadership. Those of us who stand up for what God has taught about it are labeled and persecuted. I do think it may be one sign of the end times - I long for the 50s and 60s when I was growing up. Life seemed so much more simple then.
tommytwotoez said...What's with all the hate? Do we no longer belive in a God of mercy, love, and tenderness? I understand people's fear, but I urge you to reread the letters of John. Understanding the will of the Father cannot be done through fear but only through love. By making rules and regs your making of rules and laws for people you are here to serve. how do you show love by condemning them? The number one thing talked about in regards to homosexuality is the rapture...seriously? You actually have faith in a God who says he loves you but yet with cast you into hell? I have faith in a God of love not hate. I know and fully understand that this type of a loving Father is hard for Americans to accept. We are ALL redeemed by Christ because Christ did not come to heal the SELF RIGHTEOUS, but the sick, broken, wounded, and hurting...
==I don’t believe anyone who has posted to this topic has been hateful tommy – neither do I think they posted out of fear. I believe they have spoken their piece in love, and mercy, and tenderness … and truth; claiming yourself to be a Christian you should recognize the differences; MPO.
If by “rules” and “regulations” you are referring to Scriptural references – again I would have to say that by claiming yourself to be a Christian you should recognize the differences between manmade rules and regulations and The Holy Word of Father God – The Word who btw IS Yeshua, The Son and our Redeemer.
Father Himself, and Yeshua Himself, BOTH SPOKE AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY: Father wiped out an entire city, and the Son tells us plainly … specifically in Jude and Revelations … that homosexuals will not inherit eternal life and will bring untold sorrows and damnation upon themselves in this life here on Earth as well as in the life beyond what we know here. If you are reading otherwise in John, then your Bible is drastically different than mine: and I have several; there is no such reference in the Book of John, in any translation.
Also, warning people about the harm they deliberately bring on themselves when they step out of God’s Will is the most loving thing you can do: AND IT IS IN KEEPING WITH THE PERFECT LOVE OF THE FATHER AS THAT IS WHAT HE HIMSELF DOES!
MPO is that when you stand idly by and let people self destruct you are not loving that person; and you will have to answer to Almighty God for the harm you allow to come on that person. Pulling someone from the danger of hellfire is not condemnation – it is real love in action.
If you have issues with a God of love who hates sin then perhaps it is because you do not KNOW Father at all. It is true that we are redeemed by Yeshua, and that Yeshua came to heal the sick, the broken, the wounded, and the hurting … BUT YESHUA ALSO TOLD THOSE HE HEALED TO STOP SINNING.
Homosexuality IS A SIN. Condoning a sin IS A SIN. Dissing those who hate sin and encourage others to turn from sin and repent so that they may be forgiven, healed, and saved IS A SIN; and the highest form of hypocritical self-righteousness. And this you WILL find in the Book of John :-)
@ Lloyd, first off, thank you brother for tackling an issue I’ve personally avoided due to fear of resentment from my fellow brothers and sisters, the adoptive children of God, redeemed by the mercy of Christ, His Son.
@ Val, thank you sister for your candor. And yes, you’re very much correct that homosexuality is a sin. Was I condoning this sin? Much how I do not codon how “believers” are singling out the sin of others while we ourselves live in constant sin.
First, allow me to ask you something. Do you believe that repentance comes first or does forgiveness? Or does forgiveness come first then repentance? Please, take a moment and really search your heart for the answer. As we meditate on this question let’s remember the very people our Abba Jesus associated with. Hookers, thieves, the desperate, beat-down, ragamuffins…dear I say…even homosexuals
Does God hate sin? I would agree that the One dislikes anything that separates us from Him. Perhaps I did not articulate myself very well on my last posted comment. But does God hate sinners? If so we’d all be in danger my beloved sister! Doesn’t the message of John’s first letter hint on such matters, “If we claim to be without sin…we lie?” Can I ask you, “Do you know the Father?”
Lastly, you mistook my message of God’s love. We, as brothers and sisters cannot afford to stand “idly by,” as our other brothers and sisters are hurting, broken, lost… but I have to say again, how we approach these fellow adoptive children of God should be done in love. How loving is it when we stand there and call them out on their sins while we ourselves sin? Yes, Jesus told those he spoke to stop sinning, but did the admonition come first or last? Our Abba approached these ragamuffins in love and took care of them and when they saw the true love of the Father, what happened? Their lives were changed.
Let us remember the Golden Rule and honestly ask ourselves how we’d like to be treated? I know and completely understand why this is such an issue with Christians. We no longer trust God to take action within the hearts of these people and even ourselves. Instead of love and friendship- planting the seed of Abba’s love, and then trusting in God to make the seed grow, we assume control. We push God to the side. Why? Because we fear Him, but fear my sister is not the same as love. This is another topic hinted on within the letters of John the Beloved and even within the Gospels of Jesus.
We are not made to condemn nor codon sin. So what are we here for? This is the age old question isn’t it! My theory, if you’ll allow me, is that we are too willingly love the One, Creator of the cosmos and the grasshopper, and demonstrate that love by willingly loving others. Whenever we get confused on how to do this, because how the world loves people and how Abba loves people are two completely different ideologies, we need only look to the Holy Scripture and trust…
The main issue people have with Christianity, today just as it was during its birth, is in its simplicity. I will pray for you Val that you may find happiness with Yahweh, Yeshua, Abba, Jehovah, Father, One, Creator, Savior, Redeemer, Teacher, Rabbi, and Friend… and pray for me also, that I may do the same.
HI Lloyd, thank you for visiting my blog. You have a lot of articles on here, I look forward to reading them.
God Bless,
I have tried several times tonight to post my answers to your questions tommy, but to no avail - my reply is quite lengthy but no matter how I cut it back, I could no get it posted. Sorry - I tried.
tommy, I will post my answers on my Blog. If you really want to know, check it out ...
I would like to thank each and every one of you for your visit and comments. I really enjoyed reading each of your comments regarding "gay marriage" and homosexuality as seen through the eyes of our Holy and Awesome God.
I believe that most of us can agree that sexual immorality is a sin against God. The problem is that instead of placing homosexuality in the same category with all other "sins" against God, we tend to elevate it to a higher level, making it a "more serious" offense. This may sound to be "overly simplified", but in God's eyes...SIN is SIN no matter what name you tack onto it. So what do we do about the sin in our lives? We repent, turn from our "sin" and come back into fellowship with the Lord. Now for a believer, this has nothing to do with loosing salvation... but everything to do with your fellowship with God and His children.
This article written by Chuck Colson was an informative and urgent plea for all Christians to wake up and see how our government is being taken over by folks that do not have Christian values and morals which lead them to make ungodly laws and decisions that affect our country and families. As believers in Jesus Christ we must get involved when it comes time to vote. We must get out and vote our Christian values or otherwise our country will be run by those who will promote abortions, gay marriages and any other worldly (Satan) cause that would be a SIN in the eyes of God. Can we honestly come out and say, "God bless America" when our government is being handled the way it is today? God will not bless those governments that do not seek His face and keeps His commandments.
Great blog!
ciao ciao from rome
I so appreciate your last posting on this subject to sum it all up - we must turn back to God for Him to bless us. Well written - thank you:-)
I get the feeling all this 'anti-gay' stuff is more about trying to push outward appearances, than any real interest in morality. ‘Look how morally upright and ‘Christian’ we are – we are opposed to faggots.’ The fact the most vehemently 'Christian' States in the US are the ones with woefully high levels of divorce, teenage pregnancy, single parent families (the highest proportion in the Western world!), violent crime, a greater proportion of the population incarcerated than China and Iran put together – and many of the other indicators that suggest all is not ‘well’ within that society – is just ignored. The fact there is an opposition to homosexuality ‘proves’ the society is morally upright.
Well, there is nothing worse than self-deception - except for perhaps loading burdens on others you can't carry yourself.
Yours in Christ:
Peter – Thank you for your visit and personal opinions regarding your thoughts on this post. Sorry that you felt that other folks who commented on this post were pushing only “outward appearances”. I personally felt there were some very good comments on a very “hotly debatable” subject that nobody wants to talk about because they are afraid of being called “anti-gay” or “homophobic” or whatever.
It's hard to come by experienced people about this subject, however, you sound like you know what you're talking about!
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