I want to introduce to you 89-year old Harold Egbert Camping who is an American Christian radio broadcaster. Harold is president of Family Radio, a California-based radio station that spans more than 150 markets in the United States. Harold's claim to fame is that he has twice predicted dates for the Rapture, dates which passed without incident in each case. The most recent was his 2011 end time’s prediction; he calculated that the Rapture would occur on May 21, 2011, and that God would subsequently completely destroy the Earth and the universe five months later on October 21.
What is interesting about Harold Camping is that he had previously predicted that the Rapture would occur in September 1994...Didn't happen. It really amazes me that anyone in their right mind would still be listening to Harold regarding the "End-Times" or anything else that has to do with the Word of God.
i read that he received over a million in donations. nyahaha..
You are right, Lloyd, he needs a lot of prayer. Why are people so gullible? You would think that after the first "passing" with nothing happening, people would sit down, read the Bible and figure out that he could not possibly be right!
I use to listen to Camping on the radio years ago. But he's really gone off the deep end.
He has made Christians look bad..
Quite apart from being wrong about the date of the Rapture, he's also wrong about the events following the Rapture - anyone who knows their Bible should know that God will not destroy the earth or the universe 5 months later - but there will be seven years of Tribulation under the rule of the Antichrist!
The main problem is that the majority of people in the Church today are woefully ignorant of God's Word. As a result, when these false prophets come along, they are totally ill-equipped to recognise them and reject their teachings. What we need is solid Bible teaching in the Church, but it's a rare commodity because it takes long hard study and work, work, work, which people in our instant-microwave society are not prepared to do, pastors and lay people alike. If people only realised that this study and work yields amazing results, both in our own lives and in the lives of those we touch - and also the incredible joy that accompanies it!!
Lloyd - thank you for all your lovely encouraging comments on my blog! I am so glad that my creativity blesses you. I am so grateful to my Creator God for all His gifts in my life. May the Lord continue to bless you richly too!
ONE man like that does SO MUCH damage for those of us who are actually trying to win souls over for Jesus by telling the TRUTH. People like him give Christians a bad name.
Call me late to the party but I didn't realize until recently that this end of the world thing was the belief of mostly CHRISTIANS. How can that be? The Bible is so very clear. Yikes! Satan has been way too busy.
He is a false prophet and I feel sorry for those who are still being deceived.
Great post Lloyd. I was going to write something about this too, but have been too busy. It's sad that this guy has been known for being a false teacher for years, but yet so many people were following him. This is what happens when people don't read the Bible themselves, but rely on someone else to tell them what it says. Some will lose their faith because of this. Very sad.
really when i heard this i was so surprised. it just shows that a lot of people do not read their bibles.
It just gives a bad name to christianity.
Scriptures states that His sheep will hear his voice and none other will they follow.....my prayer is for the sheep ...as Paul I believe it was, stated, that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened.....there will always be false prophets...let us unite our intercessory prayers with Jesus and pray for all of mankind that they may know the ONE true God and rapture or no today or tomorrow is not an issue b/c of the intimate relationship with God the Father, His Holy Righteous Son and the Sweet Holy Spirit ..JUST BE RAPTURE READY AT ALL TIME! FOR WE KNOW NOT WHEN OUR 'HOUR' HAS ARRIVED!
Thanks, Lloyd, for all you do.
Great post. You said it all, and I agree with you.
It makes me so sad that so many fall for the tricks and devices of the enemy. This is just another scheme to rob (finances that were donated to this false prophet) and destroy (future trust in God's true ministers).
The Catholic Church is the Church Jesus founded and the gates of hell will not prevail against her. She is the pillar and bulwark of the truth. Private interpretation of the Bible is harming Christendom. It is time for all who believe in Jesus to return to the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church. Her doctrine is pure and you will never be deceived. The Bible itself comes from the Catholic Church. You would not even have that Holy book were it not for the authority of the Vicar of Christ, the Pope. Return children of the rebellious Martin Luther, John Calvin, and other "reformers" who revolted against Christ and His Church to implement their own teachings.
Anonymous - First of all I want to thank you for your visit. I can plainly see that you are devoted to the RRC. I do speak this out of love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that if anyone needs to review their faith in God, it is those who insist that they are a member of the only "TRUE CHURCH" here on earth. It is my prayer that you have had a chance to read some of the other comments and other posts on this blog that deal with salvation. Even though I do not know your name, you will be in my prayers. Thank you again for your visit and may the Lord be with you. Lloyd
I was troubled when a popular preacher excused various such predictions as having just been mistaken in their calculations but doing a great service by calling our attention to soon return. Deuteronomy 18:18-20 is quite specific that such are false prophets and don't deserve to be listened to. II Peter 2:2 stresses that they bring Reproach on the cause of Christ.
I'm not very happy with Camping. I want to come after him with a bucket of tar and feathers.
May you be so kind to allow me to make one or two points here?
First, I have never heard of this Harold Camping before his announcement of the Rapture on May 21st. Perhaps as a UK resident, we don't pick up such radio signals here. But by reading books written by authors such as Hal Lindsey, and his book "Late Great Planet Earth" where he predicted that Antichrist would take power around 1990, had cost him a lot of his credibility. But by reading Lindsey's personal testimony on how he received Christ while on a boat off New Orleans, and how he made his way to study at Dallas Theological Seminar against all the odds - it was a tough college to enter - and other details of his personal relationship with Christ in the years to follow, I believe that Lindsey is a genuine believer whose enthusiasm for the Return of Christ and physical as well as spiritual redemption was so strong, that he did skewer off the rails and started dating Biblical prophecy, something the Bible has never endorsed.
Therefore to you Ross, we are in no position to make judgements, and although I believe that your call to tar and feather Camping was made tongue-in-cheek, it was not the stuff to uplift my soul.
None of us know how Harold Camping's heart is before God. Only God himself knows. Therefore only God alone can judge.
He might indeed be a son of the Devil awaiting judgement. But equally, and indeed my hope, that he is a genuine believer, a son of God with a little too much enthusiasm to send him off the rails, as it did with Lindsey.
Frank - Well said and I agree with you. As believers in Jesus we must always go the to Word of God (Bible) if we have any doubts regarding scripture and the statements of man. God bless, Lloyd
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