Hollywood piles on Kirk Cameron for gay comments;
Roseanne calls ‘accomplice to murder’
Fri Mar 16, 2012 13:55 EST
HOLLYWOOD, (LifeSiteNews.com) - After actor Kirk Cameron refused to back down on statements criticizing the societal effects of homosexuality, a deluge of angry retorts poured in from others in the entertainment industry, with some calling Cameron “a complete tool,” a “douchebag,” and “an accomplice to murder,” among other slurs.
Cameron, formerly the child star of the sitcom “Growing Pains,” was steered into a discussion on homosexuality by CNN’s Piers Morgan during an interview on Cameron’s new movie “Monumental.” In response to a question about his beliefs, Cameron called the practice of homosexuality “unnatural.” “I think that it is detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization,” he said. Click "Here" for the complete news article.
I thought this article about the "Hollywood elites" dog-piling on actor and Christian Kirk Cameron was pretty interesting. I watched this interview that Piers Morgan had with Kirk and felt that Kirk did a good job standing his ground against the worldly and depraved morals of Hollywood.
It will be interesting now, how Kirk's future as an actor will be, after all of the slanderous and negative slurs that Hollywood branded him with. Let us all keep Kirk Cameron and all actors that do not waver in they're Christian belief's and walk from the pressures of Hollywood.